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الجنراال 08-06-2009 11:09 PM

برنامج Steelflash Final Theme for Windows Vista
برنامج Steelflash Final Theme for Windows Vista


Steelflash Final Theme for Windows Vista Service Pack (SP) 1 & 2 for both 32bit & 64bit Windows| 41.6MB
Created using Photoshop CS 3 & CS4
ثيم فلاشي رائع جدا
Package includes :

2 Visual Styles: SteelFlash Final (2008) and SteelFlash 100k (2009)
Patchers to change many parts of the visual style.
SteelFlash CdArtDisplay CAD Skin
Windows Vista x86 (32bit) / x64 (64bit) compatible.
2 Sidebar Styles
3 Logon Screens
Different Taskbars Patchers
Taskbar Button Styles Patchers
Context Buttons Styles Patchers
Start Buttons Patchers
Windows Media Player GUI and taskbar styles (x86)
Additional required fonts.

f1f1f 08-06-2009 11:11 PM

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.. بانتظار المزيد بابداع جديد ...
على الخير نلتقي.... تحيتى

برونزي 08-06-2009 11:19 PM

رد: برنامج Steelflash Final Theme for Windows Vista
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السفير 08-08-2009 01:51 AM

رد: برنامج Steelflash Final Theme for Windows Vista
مشكورويعطيك العافية

الساعة الآن 05:36 PM.

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