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قديم 05-13-2011, 05:40 PM
عضو غير مرغوب فيه
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2011
المشاركات: 8
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
hemagabr يستحق التميز

افتراضي تحميل برنامج أفضل محولات الميديا بكفاءة على مستوى العالم

Any Video Converter Professional 3.2.3

محول الفيديو والصوتيات
Any Video Converter Professional 3.2.3
اقوي المحولات على الاطلاق
برنامج رائع بواجهة أستخدام سهله وبسيطه للغاية
البرنامج سريع جداً فى التحويل مع أفضل جودة للتحويل
كما انه يستطيع التحويل من غالبية الصيغ إلى صيغ كثيرة بكفاءة متناهية
avi, asf, mov, rm, rmvb, flv, mkv, mpg, 3gp, m4v, vob, YouTube videos و أكثر
البرنامج تم تصنيفه كأحد افضل المحولات الغير مجانية فى العالم

As professional video converter, Any Video Converter performs its excellence in converting AVI, MPG, RMVB, MOV, MKV and many other video formats to WMV, AVI, MP4, FLV, 3GP and other popular formats at fast speed and with outstanding quality. Any Video Converter supports iPod, iPhone, Zune, PSP and other Portable Media Players (PMPs) and cell phones. Besides the output formats dedicated for iPod, iPhone, Zune, PSP and cell phones, Any Video Converter supports customizing WMV, AVI and 3GP formats.

Any Video Converter features include:
User-friendly interface that is easy to use.
Converts all video formats to Apple iPod Video, Sony PSP and more
Batch convert any video formats including avi, wmv, asf, mpg, mp4, etc.
Support DivX and Xvid avi format as importing and exporting video
Support default video/audio settings or user customized parameters for video and audio.
Has the option to preview the video in real-time before conversion .
World's fastest video conversion speed with stunning video and audio quality.
Supports adjust many video/audio options for MP4 files. For example, video/audio sample rate, bit rate, video size...

Any Video Converter Pro is a professional video converter which can convert video files from various formats with fast converting speed and excellent video quality . It can convert almost all video formats including DivX, XviD, MOV, rm, rmvb, MPEG, VOB, WMV, AVI to MPEG-4, AVI, WMV, 3GP, 3G2 format for your iPod, PSP, iPhone, Archos, Creative Zen, iRiver and many other portable media players. It also supports any user defined video file formats as the output. It has an unmatchable speed and high quality. Any Video Converter Pro. makes it easy for anyone to enjoy videos in any formats video on the go.

Any Video Converter Pro makes batch file conversion simple. You can simply add a batch of videos and convert them with clicking the convert button. The converted files will be saved to a pre-selected directory folder and the original files will remain untouched. Auto-shutdown function is provided so that you can just walk away after the batch conversion is started.

Any Video Converter Prois a YouTube Video Converter which can download video from YouTube.com and convert YouTube videos to other formats. With the "downloading + converting" one-step solution, Any Video Converter Pro. easily downloads and converts YouTube videos to play on your iPod, iPhone, PSP, Zune, 3GP mobile phone, Apple TV, etc. Besides, you can specify YouTube video quality to download, types of video quality could be standard FLV movies, 3GP mobile phones, high quality AVC MPEG-4 movies and high definition (HD) MP4 videos.

Any Video Converter Pro is also a HD video converter which allows you to convert HD movies including HD AVI, HD MKV, HD WMV, AVCHD, TS, TP, MKV to videos playable on iPod, PSP and other devices. High definition output video size up to 1920x1080 are also available for MKV, AVI, WMV and MP4 output formats.

Any Video Converter comes with many practical functions including video trimming, video merging, output profile management, customizable settings which makes it convenient and extendable for both beginners and advanced users.

Any Video Converter provides an audio extraction feature as a bonus. You can extract audio from any video formats it supports to MP3, AAC, M4A, WMA, OGG and Wave.

الباتش مرفق مع البرنامج
Release Date: 13-05-2011


الموضوع الاصلي  من اوائل البرامج


قديم 05-13-2011, 06:05 PM   رقم المشاركة : 2 (permalink)

معلومات العضو

الصورة الرمزية f1f1f

إحصائية العضو

f1f1f غير متواجد حالياً

المستوى: 58 [مستوى العضو مستوى العضو مستوى العضو مستوى العضو مستوى العضو ]
الحياة  143 / 1431

النشاط  2384 / 83579

المؤشر 26%

إحصائية الترشيح

عدد النقاط : 2355
f1f1f متميز ومبدع بلا حدودf1f1f متميز ومبدع بلا حدودf1f1f متميز ومبدع بلا حدودf1f1f متميز ومبدع بلا حدودf1f1f متميز ومبدع بلا حدودf1f1f متميز ومبدع بلا حدودf1f1f متميز ومبدع بلا حدودf1f1f متميز ومبدع بلا حدودf1f1f متميز ومبدع بلا حدودf1f1f متميز ومبدع بلا حدودf1f1f متميز ومبدع بلا حدود



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محولات, مستوى, الميديا, العالم, تحميل, برنامج, بكفاءة

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