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قديم 05-10-2022, 08:11 PM
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2022
المشاركات: 4,622
معدل تقييم المستوى: 794
خالد نجم يستحق التميز

افتراضي 31 North Festival Tower New Capital

31 North Festival Tower New Capital

Invest now in the highest skyscraper on the Green River overlooking the northern axis of Bin Zayed. Also, enjoy a panoramic view of the most important landmarks of the New Administrative Capital.
The first and largest festival tower with a direct view of the Green River. It is considered the largest administrative, commercial, medical, and residential tower in the Administrative Capital. It was launched by the Nile Real Estate Development Company, one of the largest real estate companies, in cooperation with the largest engineering consultancy companies and management and operation companies in the Middle East.

Nile 31 North Festival Tower, the Administrative Capital, is one of the best projects that have been built in the capital. It has many advantages, the most important of which is its direct view of the Green River. The project has achieved great success and reputation even before the project was launched.
The Nile Real Estate Company held a big party for the mall at Al Masa Hotel in the capital.

This company is also characterized by luxury, sophistication, creativity in design, and the longest payment period, as it has been keen to put the priorities of its customers above all priorities, as this giant civil project is the first of its kind in Egypt, and was designed with the latest technological means and methods.

The strategic location of 31 North Festival Tower New Capital
Enjoy being in one of the best strategic areas that rise 131 meters from the ground, characterized by a direct view of the Green River, specifically in the Abraj area, and overlooks 3 main streets on the northern axis of Mohammed bin Zayed, on a street with a width of 124 meters, and on the main downtown street And the entrance to the government district of the capital.

The Nile Real Estate Development Company was interested in providing all means of comfort and luxury and providing basic services that are indispensable in any giant project, and the company was keen to choose the most appropriate locations for its projects. The important thing is as follows:

Near To Misr Mosque, Governmental District, and Ministries District.
It is 5 minutes from the heritage and arts district and the shopping district.
Just a few steps from the Green River, all units enjoy a charming panoramic view of Al Masa Hotel.
Close to the most famous malls and downtown towers such as Sixty Iconic Tower and Elevado Tower.
Nile Tower New Capital Mall is minutes from the Egyptian Historical Museum.
Close to Central Park Capital Park, one of the largest parks in the world.
It is characterized by its proximity to the Celia entertainment project under the supervision of the Talaat Mustafa Group, and the Bodia Tower platforms.

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capital, festival

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