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قديم 05-10-2022, 09:23 PM
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2022
المشاركات: 4,622
معدل تقييم المستوى: 794
خالد نجم يستحق التميز

افتراضي Al Jazi First Marriott Residences New Cairo

Al Jazi First Marriott Residences New Cairo

Enjoy unique moments and an exceptional life inside Al Jazi First Marriott Residences New Cairo
For the first time, Al Jazi Egypt and Marriott International Hotels in the Middle East meet to create First Marriott Residence New Cairo Project; As the first experience of branded living, it is the first residential project to achieve LEED Silver (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification.

Al Jazi First Marriott Residences New Cairo is filled with a package of the most luxurious and finest services and features that give you exceptional moments, whether on the level of work-life or entertainment; In addition to taking special care of children by providing special rooms for study, and areas to enjoy games and adventures with family and friends.

Al Jazi First Marriott Residence location
Al Jazi First Marriott Residence New Cairo is strategically located in the heart of New Cairo on Mohamed Naguib Axis, where it is close to vital areas, ease and speed of access and the most important features of the location are:

It is located 25 minutes from the ring road.
It is only 15 minutes from Cairo International Airport.
It is located minutes away from North Teseen Street.
Al Jazi First Marriott Residence New Cairo Space
Al Jazi First Marriott Residence is one of the phases of the upscale project Al Jazi Egypt, and it is the first branded residential project. The compound includes 152 units varying between 5 groups, divided into three different designs to suit all tastes and aspirations of customers; Where the customer can choose the design that suits him and meets his needs.

Enjoy an exceptional life and book your unit in Al Jazi First Marriott Residence New Cairo and enjoy many features
Al Jazi First Marriott Residences is Egypt’s first fully integrated pedestrian residential development and is the first residential project to be awarded a LEED Silver (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification.
It includes a Clubhouse equipped according to the latest systems that help the community to flourish, whether by providing a unique social atmosphere or a successful work environment.
A limited number of classrooms within the Clubhouse are designed with convenient features and amenities to evoke a spirit of productivity and success.
The compound is characterized by the presence of a children’s area inside the Clubhouse; Where lively children can enjoy the cheerful atmosphere, it is an island of adventure and fun-filled activities, encouraging children to make friends and stimulating their talents, while providing peace of mind for parents throughout the day.
It is characterized by the presence of a gym that includes all activities and sports so that the residents can enjoy more enjoyment and renew energy and activity.
The compound includes a health club that includes SPA services, and a jacuzzi to reach the best moments of relaxation and recreation.
The project includes vast green spaces that give the compound calm, purity, and joy derived from charming nature.
It includes a health club that provides therapeutic services and sports activities for customers. All age groups can enjoy cardiovascular training and weight lifting programs, where there is a group of nutrition experts and certified trainers who aim to provide a healthy lifestyle for all residents.
It has perfectly lined tracks for jogging and cycling amid picturesque gardens, and these tracks are easily accessible right in front of your unit; Which helps you to keep fit and rejuvenate.
For sports enthusiasts, the compound includes tennis and basketball courts equipped with the latest equipment so that residents can enjoy their favorite sports.

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