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قديم 05-14-2022, 08:40 PM
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2022
المشاركات: 4,622
معدل تقييم المستوى: 794
خالد نجم يستحق التميز

افتراضي Blue Bay Asia Resort Ain Sokhna

Blue Bay Asia Resort Ain Sokhna

Seize the opportunity and spend your summer vacation inside Blue Bay Asia Resort Ain Sokhna, one of the finest tourist resorts in Ain Sokhna.
Marseilia Group has launched its new project, Blue Bay Asia Resort, after the sale of all units in the first phase. It is a high-end tourist resort with many unique features and all the basic and recreational services that many customers are looking for.

Blue Bay Asia Sokhna is located specifically in Ain Sokhna, which is characterized by its mild climate throughout the year. It is one of the most important tourist cities near the Red Sea shore. It is also characterized by containing various investment activities and the most important tourist attractions, in addition to the presence of many high-end tourist villages within it.

The architectural designs of the project seem very luxurious and sophisticated, in conformity with international standards and conditions, as they are inspired by the distinctive modern Thai-Asian style, and all the interior units are characterized by their wonderful views of the charming landscapes that inspire comfort, calm and tranquility.

The resort includes beautifully decorated chalets with various spaces and integrated services, at special prices outside the competition, and various payment systems to suit all customers and targeted businessmen.

Blue Bay Asia Sokhna’s geographical location and the most important advantages it enjoys over others
If you are a lover of luxury and comfort and want to enjoy with your children the summer holidays in a strategic location far from noise and pollution, close to all service areas, and characterized by a mild climate most months of the year, then your best choice is to own your unit inside Blue Bay, where everything you dream of is available inside.

The real estate developer chose the location of Blue Bay Asia Resort very carefully, as it is located specifically in Ain Sokhna, one of the most important and most beautiful coastal cities located near the Red Sea. It also includes many luxury hotels, high-end tourist villages, and prominent landmarks, in addition to containing many investment activities. It is a diversified industrial area, which has attracted many customers and investors from all over the world.

The project location is characterized by its proximity to many important areas and the most important roads and main axes, the most important of which are:

The resort is located in the best area on the Red Sea Bay.
Blue Bay is 140 km from Cairo, as it can be reached within an hour and a half by car via (Cairo – Ain Sokhna Road), making it easily accessible from every direction.

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