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قديم 05-15-2022, 08:20 PM
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2022
المشاركات: 4,693
معدل تقييم المستوى: 806
خالد نجم يستحق التميز

افتراضي Bluebay Jory Ain Sokhna

Bluebay Jory Ain Sokhna

Enjoy luxury in the best tourist resort in Ain Sokhna with vast green spaces and life near the sea.. all this and more in Bluebay jory
Bluebay Jory Ain Sokhna occupies the first place as it is the most requested area by customers and visitors, as it is the third phase of Bluebay Sokhna Project, and that is, it has great commercial and recreational services, making it the first choice for those who want to own a unit in Ain Sokhna is for enjoying holidays throughout the seasons, and therefore many consider it one of the best tourist resorts in Ain Sokhna.

This amazing resort is one of the projects of Marseilia Group that it recently launched, and it includes a group of distinctive units and chalets that directly overlook the sea and with distinctive facades, and the developer has provided distinctive and unbeatable prices to facilitate you to choose the right unit for you with the highest level of excellence and luxury.

The location of Bluebay Jory
Bluebay Jory is located in the heart of Ain Sokhna, which overlooks the Red Sea, where the privileged location was chosen to be an unparalleled summer destination throughout the year, it also links the most important main roads and is close to the most luxurious and famous tourist resorts, as all units overlook the sea directly, and that is one of the most important advantages it enjoys.

The advantages of Bluebay Jory are as follows:

It is located at a distance of 65 km from Hurghada-Cairo Road, which makes it easy for you to quickly move to and from it with ease.
The resort directly overlooks the largest sea, the Red Sea.
It is only 80 minutes away from New Cairo.
It is located about 140 kilometers from Cairo on Zaafarana Road.
It is also 45 minutes away from New Administrative Capital.
It is close to the major tourist villages, including the coastal marina.
It is also minutes away from Suez Road, and the Red Sea.

الموضوع الاصلي  من اوائل البرامج


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bluebay, sokhna

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