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قديم 05-15-2022, 09:13 PM
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2022
المشاركات: 4,693
معدل تقييم المستوى: 806
خالد نجم يستحق التميز

افتراضي Bungalows Resort North Coast

Bungalows Resort North Coast

Bungalows Resort North Coast, Enjoy the magic of nature on the White Sea Coast
Bungalows is a tourist resort that contains chalets, twin houses, and villas. It is one of Arabia Real Estate’s most recent developments. The resort is one of the greatest real estate alternatives available on the North Coast; the apartments were created in the newest international, sophisticated, Greek style, and the firm ensured that the flats were completely private since they all had direct views of the sea.

The resort was built on a very large area to accommodate buildings, services, and green spaces. The developer provided a range of services and features that make the project distinctive, in addition to competitive prices and payment systems that are not compared to any other project.

Book your unit at the resort today and enjoy the most beautiful view of the turquoise waters, soft white sands, and the charming diverse nature of green spaces, landscapes, fountains, and swimming pools, as well as all the services, public facilities, and recreational activities that will allow you to live the life of luxury you desire for you and your family.

The important strategic location of Bungalows North Coast Resort
One of the most important features of any coastal project is the unique and strategic location in which the project is located, as it is located between Alexandria and Marina at kilo 73 on Alexandria/Matrouh Road.

It is located near important and distinctive places such as:

It is located 15 minutes from the Marina.
The resort is located near several important and distinctive projects such as Horus Resort and Marseille Beach 2 Resort.
It is characterized by its proximity to the main roads and the important main axes, which makes access to it very easy and convenient.
All units within the project overlook directly on the seashore.

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bungalows, resort

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