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قديم 05-23-2022, 01:39 AM
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2022
المشاركات: 4,622
معدل تقييم المستوى: 794
خالد نجم يستحق التميز

افتراضي Capital Dubai Mall New Capital

Capital Dubai Mall New Capital

From the heart of New Administrative Capital, a new legend, with modern and cheerful designs, Capital Dubai Mall New Capital, appears to us!
Capital Dubai Mall New Capital is an investment opportunity that does not come up often, so do not miss the opportunity, and get a distinctive unit in the most prestigious residential neighborhoods in “R7”; To make your business address distinctive near all roads, main axes, and high-end residential projects; The mall serves more than 42 residential compounds.

It is a source of attraction for many investors and entrepreneurs, as it is distinguished by a charming entrance, a very elegant design, and stores distributed over different areas that include everything you are looking for with the finest tastes, in addition to restaurants and cafes that provide you, after a long day of shopping, a taste of the most delicious food, and the most beautiful drinks.

Attention to detail is evident inside Capital Dubai Mall; Hurry up to own your unit now!

Enjoy the finest locations within the first real start of sophistication within New Administrative Capital “Capital Dubai Mall”!
Dubai Investments Real Estate Company is always interested in choosing distinct locations for its various projects; It is well aware of the importance of the privileged location in the success of any project, and this is what it did with its new project, “Capital Dubai Mall”, for which it chose a prestigious place in the heart of New Administrative Capital in the seventh residential district R7, the most important advantages of the site can be explained as follows:

It overlooks the tourist promenade (Champs Elysees), and the central axis of New Administrative Capital.
Its proximity to important neighborhoods in New Capital, such as; Diplomatic Quarter, Government Quarter.
It is close to the main roads and axes, especially the Bin Zayed axis, which is the artery linking New Capital’s neighborhoods and its various projects.
It is located within walking distance of many high-end residential communities within New Capital; Which makes a profitable investment for clients.
The mall is a short distance from New Capital’s religious landmarks such as Al-Fattah Al-Aleem Mosque and the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ.
Its proximity to the Green River Park, which is one of the most prominent landmarks of New Administrative Capital.
It is located next to the British University, and close to the Swedish University, and the Russian University.

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Armonia Walk Mall New Capital خالد نجم المنتدى العام 0 05-12-2022 10:04 PM

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