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قديم 05-27-2022, 12:08 AM
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2022
المشاركات: 4,622
معدل تقييم المستوى: 794
خالد نجم يستحق التميز

افتراضي De Joya Compound New Administrative Capital

De Joya Compound New Administrative Capital

You Want Your Children To Live A Life Of Luxury Amidst The Vast Green Spaces… De Joya Compound New Administrative Capital Is Waiting For You In New Administrative Capital!!
The dream of living in the midst of green natural spaces decorated with beautiful water bodies away from pollution, noise, and crowding has become easy to achieve, Here in De Joya New Administrative Capital, you will get everything you wish and dream of from luxurious features and many services to enjoy a quiet living in an atmosphere of privacy and endless luxury.

In the Spanish language, the word “de Joya” means a beautiful jewel, and here is the compound achieving this wonderful meaning through the exquisite engineering designs that fill the entire place, this project has a very beautiful design that mimics the attractive European character, as it is a place characterized by the presence of green plants and flowers spread on the facades of the buildings and around the residential units, resembling in its design a large, beautiful natural garden.

The location is one of the important success factors that distinguish De Joya Compound from others, as it is in an exceptional area in New Capital, which makes the movement easier and faster, and many other distinctive features and countless facilities, and we will mention some of them in some detail in the rest of the article.

De Joya.. An Exceptional Location In The Most Important Areas Of New Capital!!
Living in a calm and comfortable atmosphere in the heart of New Capital and close to several vital facilities and the main hubs is one of the important features of De Joya Compound, as it is in the eighth residential area (R8), specifically plot (B2), It is surrounded by many distinctive places that we will learn about as follows:

The compound directly overlooks the beautiful river park, the largest tourist walkway in Egypt.
The project was built near several important neighborhoods, including Al sefarat district and the government neighborhood.
A short distance from Al-Fattah Al-Aleem Mosque and the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ.
It is also about 10 minutes from the New Capital Airport.
The compound is located a few minutes away from the Mohammed bin Zayed axis.
It is also surrounded by a number of international hospitals, schools, and universities that provide the best important services.

الموضوع الاصلي  من اوائل البرامج


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administrative, capital, compound

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اوائل البرامج

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