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قديم 06-07-2022, 11:02 PM
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2022
المشاركات: 4,622
معدل تقييم المستوى: 794
خالد نجم يستحق التميز

افتراضي Fifth Square Fifth Settlement

Fifth Square Fifth Settlement

Looking For A New Life Full Of Excellence? Here’s Fifth Square Fifth Settlement
The Saudi company, Al Marasem Development, a subsidiary of the Saudi Binladin Group, is one of the best companies with a big name in the real estate market. Where it presented Al Marasem Compound Fifth Settlement, which is a place where contemporary charm and the simplicity of nature blend in perfect harmony.

The compound was designed on a large area of ​​158 acres so that the vast green spaces, charming water bodies, and other service facilities occupy the largest part of the project; While the various residential units between apartments, townhouses, twin houses, and standalone villas occupy the remaining space and have attractive urban designs that attract attention and suit lovers of high taste.

Book your unit now to get unbeatable prices and flexible and convenient payment systems.

Enjoy The Luxury And Tranquility Of Fifth Square In The Best Location Ever
Fifth Square Compound is one of the largest real estate projects that have been built in the Golden Square area of Fifth Settlement, with a direct view of the North Teseen Street, near the most important axes and main roads that facilitate the process of moving to and from it, as it is away from crowded and overcrowded places.

The location has a number of features, including the following:

Close to Palm Hills Fifth Settlement, and Village Gardens Katameya.
It is 7 minutes away from the American University in Cairo.
It is 15 minutes away from Downtown Mall.
The distance between Fifth Square and Cairo International Airport is up to 20 minutes.
Approximately 25 minutes from Heliopolis, and 19 minutes from Madinaty.
It is close to Al Sharbatly Villas, Mivida, and Emaar.

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