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قديم 06-08-2022, 09:43 PM
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2022
المشاركات: 4,622
معدل تقييم المستوى: 794
خالد نجم يستحق التميز

افتراضي Hacienda West North Coast

Hacienda West North Coast

The Opportunity To Enjoy A Calm Atmosphere, And Spend The Most Beautiful Holidays On The Most Beautiful Beaches Of The Mediterranean Within Hacienda West North Coast
Hacienda West Resort is the latest project of Palm Hills Developments in the North Coast, through which the company is keen to provide amenities and luxury in the most beautiful spot in the North Coast region, where the project was implemented on a huge area of ​​137 acres, and it was keen to have green spaces and the charming artificial lakes are the largest part of the project for more relaxation and psychological calm.

We find that Hacienda West Palm Hills is characterized by very luxurious and elegant urban designs, and its units vary between independent villas and chalets, which the company has been keen to provide with different spaces for its valued customers, and a distinctive view of the wonderful turquoise waters, in addition to the various services of clubs and swimming pools. , restaurants, cafes, and a 5-star hotel.

Hurry up to book your unit inside “Hacienda North Coast” and enjoy an unparalleled summer experience!

Hacienda West Enjoys A Vital Strategic Location That Makes It A Great Opportunity That Cannot Be Repeated Often For Real Estate Investors
Choosing the site for Hacienda West Al Sahel Resort was one of the most important advantages of the project; Where the owner company was interested in choosing a distinctive geographical location close to the most prestigious tourist villages, and various services, and facilitates the process of accessing it from anywhere due to its proximity to important roads and axes, which helps in attracting more customers and investors to own units in it, one of the most important features of the project location the following:

It is located on Kilo 200 Alex-Matrouh Road.
It is only 2 km away from Fouka Road.
The distance that separates it from Hacienda White is about 65 kilometers.
It is only two hours away from Cairo.

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