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قديم 06-11-2022, 09:00 PM
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2022
المشاركات: 4,622
معدل تقييم المستوى: 794
خالد نجم يستحق التميز

افتراضي JD Twin Towers New Capital

JD Twin Towers New Capital

Do Not Miss The Opportunity And Get Your Commercial Unit In JD Twin Towers New Capital
Due to the high demand for New Administrative Capital, JD Holding launched its first project in the capital, specifically in the Downtown area, and it is one of the most vital areas in it and includes various types of services that varied between commercial units, administrative offices, and medical clinics, It is a first-class service complex, and it features restaurants with Drive-Thru service.

The project was designed in the architectural style with integrated Egyptian-Emirati expertise and intelligence and includes all the services and supplies that customers need. It is a distinctive and unique building and is the ideal destination for investors and entrepreneurs. The project was established in a large space that included many activities, gardens, and parks that give privacy.

You can enjoy the fresh air and the beauty of green nature with its blooming flowers and attractive scent, and all of this makes you take the initiative to own a commercial unit and invest in New Capital, and achieve huge investment returns in a short time.

Looking For The Most Special Places In New Capital?! Here Is A Great Location For JD Twin Towers New Capital…
JD Twin Towers are located in the Downtown area, specifically in (MU5 22 + MU5 23), and this works on the multiplicity of views in the project. The project overlooks the Green River, on a 40-meter-wide street, and on green spaces, and the mall is unique in the presence of the largest tourist walkway In Down Town.

The mall is close to:

The main roads, such as the axis of bin Zayed.
JD Twin Towers Mall is located next to Dorado Mall and Trio V Tower.
It is located near the Green River and Al Masa Hotel.
It is 3 minutes away from Souq EL Dahab and the Grand Mosque of Egypt.
It is a quarter of an hour’s drive from the Ministries District, the Government District, and the Banks District.
JD Twin Towers Project is 5 minutes from the monorail station.
Thanks to its proximity to many vital places, the project gained an excellent position that helped it reach the highest ranks, and became one of the places that clients and investors flock to.

الموضوع الاصلي  من اوائل البرامج


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capital, towers

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