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قديم 06-12-2022, 10:39 PM
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2022
المشاركات: 4,622
معدل تقييم المستوى: 794
خالد نجم يستحق التميز

افتراضي Kai Sokhna Misr Italia

Kai Sokhna Misr Italia

Book Your Unit From Kai Sokhna Misr Italia, The Place That Provides All Means Of Comfort And Sophistication!
Kai is one of the most important projects implemented in the most important coastal areas, which is Ain Sokhna, the distinctive summer destination throughout the year, as it is one of the projects of Misr Italia, it was designed according to the finest international designs that guarantee customers complete privacy, and enjoy a stunning aesthetic appearance amid a charming view of the wonderful beach,

The project is characterized by the fact that it includes many distinctive facilities and services, to ensure a high level for residents and visitors, and the company has set competitive prices and easy payment methods so that you can own your unit without trouble.

The Location Of Kai Sokhna Resort
The owner company that owns the project was keen to choose the location with great care and accuracy to give the client the greatest degree of comfort and tranquility. Indeed, the project was established in the most important strategic and vital locations so that it is close to the main roads and axes intended for residents and visitors.

The most important features of the location:

Kai is located at km 180 on Ain Sokhna Road, only 20 km from Zaafarana.
It is also about 112 kilometers from Suez.
The resort is about 187 km away from Cairo, which is only an estimated two hours drive.
It is about 160 km from the New Administrative Capital.
Kai Resort is located near the most famous tourist resort, which is La Vista.
The project is also about 120 minutes from Hurghada.
The Space Of Kai Sokhna Misr Italia
In addition to choosing the distinguished location of the project and its proximity to the most important main roads, the developer company sought to choose the vast space of ​​the project in order to accommodate many of the services that the residents are looking for, Kai Resort is on a space of ​​about 35 acres, equivalent to 174 thousand square meters, and 12% was allocated for construction, as it is on a 1200-meter-long beach, and the largest space is allocated to green spaces and landscapes that surround the resort from everywhere.

The resort is also distinguished by its unparalleled attractive view, as all units overlook the soft white sand and crystal clear waters of the sea, where the distance between the farthest unit in the project and the sea is only 150 meters.

الموضوع الاصلي  من اوائل البرامج


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italia, sokhna

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