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قديم 06-22-2022, 05:29 PM
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2022
المشاركات: 4,622
معدل تقييم المستوى: 794
خالد نجم يستحق التميز

افتراضي Marina Wadi El Dome Al Ain El Sokhna

Marina Wadi El Dome Al Ain El Sokhna

Looking For A Luxury Residence In A Place Directly Overlooking The Sea, Its Clear Waters, And Yellow Sand? Here Is Marina Wadi El Dome Al Ain El Sokhna
Marina Wadi Al Dome Ain Sokhna is characterized by its strategic location near the important main roads such as Suez Road and Ain Sokhna. The resort was built on a large space, and green spaces and services occupy the largest part of the total space, while the rest was allocated for construction and buildings.

The residential units within the resort vary to suit all tastes and are characterized by their distinctive modern designs, and all units directly overlook the sea, the services of the resort will make you feel comfortable and well-being.

The resort also offers many different payment and payment systems so that the customer can choose the appropriate payment method for him.

Ain Sokhna is distinguished by its geographical location near Mount Ataka and Mount El Galala, which is 140 km away from Cairo. It includes many different tourist villages and resorts such as La Vista Village, Monte Galala, and Blumar Sokhna Village.

Enjoy the beauty of nature by booking your residential unit inside Marina Wadi El Dome

Get To Know With Us The Distinguished Strategic Location Of Marina Wadi Al Dome
The real estate developer was keen to choose a privileged location on the Red Sea coast to attract customers and investors, Marina Wadi El Dome is located at kilo 82 on Suez-Hurghada Road.

The most important features of the location:

Close to Porto Beach Resort.
It is 140 km from Cairo.
It is 22 km from Ain Sokhna beach
Near To Suez Zaafarana Road.

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