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قديم 06-26-2022, 04:00 PM
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2022
المشاركات: 4,622
معدل تقييم المستوى: 794
خالد نجم يستحق التميز

افتراضي Mountain View Rhodes Lagoon Resort North Coast

Mountain View Rhodes Lagoon Resort North Coast

Book Your Unit Inside Mountain View Rhodes Lagoon Resort North Coast

Mountain View Development Company has constructed Mountain View Rhodes Island, which is one of the stages of its 450-acre Mountain View project It is regarded as one of the best resorts ever created, as its architectural designs are very luxurious, sophisticated, and modern, as they are similar in design to the Greek islands, and all of the interior units have a beautiful panoramic view of the Mediterranean Sea with its clear blue waters and charming view.

Mountain View Rhodes Lagoon’s strategic geographical location on the North Coast, which is characterized by the presence of many high-end tourist resorts and wonderful summer areas, as well as many diverse investments in various fields, in addition to the presence of many prominent landmarks and many service areas within it, works to attract a large number of customers, is one of its most important features.

Rhodes Island contains a wide range of high-end housing units of various sizes, with pricing that are very flexible, and payment mechanisms that are convenient and suited for all consumer and company groups.

Mountain View Rhodes Village’s Location And The Most Important Advantages It Enjoys
If you are looking for a unique location with all amenities and comforts, the most important of which is the quiet location away from all sources of noise and pollution, as well as a mild climate most days of the year, overlooking many landscapes and water bodies with charming views, and being surrounded by many service areas, this is the place to go. The greatest is the Rhodes Resort, which offers everything you could possibly need.

Rhodes Island’s location was carefully chosen, as it is on the North Coast in Ras El Hekma, which is known for its proximity to many service areas, as well as its proximity to many major roads and axes, as well as the presence of the most important landmarks, high-end schools and universities, government departments, and others.

Mountain View Rhodes Lagoon is located in the 200-kilometer Ras El-Hekma area, with a wonderful view of the soft golden sandy beaches with turquoise waters of very purity. It is also close to many areas, including:

Rhodes Island is close to many major routes, including Wadi El-Natrun Road, Cairo-Alexandria Desert Road, and El-Dabaa Road, and is 15 kilometers from the Fouka Road exit, making it conveniently accessible from all directions.
The town is around 50 kilometers from New Alamein Airport and 200 kilometers from Alexandria.
By car, it takes 3 hours to get there from Cairo.
Marsa Matrouh and Sidi Abdel Rahman are also close by.
The distance between it and Borg El Arab Airport is three hours.
It is easy to reach the North Coast Marina Village through Rhodes Island, where it is 90 km away.

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مواقع النشر (المفضلة)

lagoon, mountain, resort, rhodes

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الساعة الآن 04:40 PM.
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