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قديم 07-07-2022, 03:56 PM
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2022
المشاركات: 4,622
معدل تقييم المستوى: 794
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افتراضي Senator Business Building New Capital

Senator Business Building New Capital

Seize The Opportunity And Get A Special Unit Inside The Senator Business Building New Capital Of The First Administrative Mall In The New Administrative Capital And Achieve The Dream Of Success And Excellence

Babylon Real Estate Development Company has launched its latest project, Senator Mall, which is the first administrative center that includes integrated administrative units with services.

The project is distinguished by its presence within the most distinguished areas of the new administrative capital in the administrative district, road 11, the first name, which links the government district and the downtown area, which is a vibrant artery due to its proximity to many vital arteries and multiple investment activities, as well as close to the most important landmarks such as the river The green, the central park, the most important mosques, and churches, in addition to its close proximity to the most important roads, main axes, government departments, international schools and universities, and others.

The architectural designs of Senator mall are characterized by luxury, sophistication, and modernity, as all units are distinguished by their wonderful panoramic views of the scenic landscape, in addition to that, all administrative units are integrated services with various spaces so that the customer can choose what suits him, in addition to the prices and payment systems set by the real estate developer are distinct. It is flexible and has never been presented in the real estate market before to attract the largest number of investors.

Senator Business Building’s Geographical Location And The Most Important Features That Distinguish It From Others
The strategic geographical location of any project is of great importance to all investors because it plays a major role in the high return on investment, so the real estate developer chose Senator’s site very carefully and is located in the most distinguished areas of the Downtown, close to all service areas, prominent landmarks, and important areas.

It is also close to all corporate headquarters, banks, government departments, schools, and universities, in addition to its proximity to the most important roads and main axes, and its proximity to markets with high purchasing power, which attracts businessmen from everywhere.

The senator is characterized by its location within the commercially active administrative district area with many basic and recreational services and it is close to:

Senator is located near the People’s Square, Parliament, Senate, Embassies District, and Ministries.
Senator is close to the most important axes and main roads such as the Mohammed bin Zayed axis, which makes it easy to reach.
Close to the most important malls and high-end towers in the Administrative Capital, including The Loft Plaza Mall and Genesis Business Tower.
Senator Mall directly overlooks road 11, the first name, which separates between Downtown and the Governmental District.
Close to the Egypt Mosque, which is one of the largest landmarks in Egypt and has the largest number of worshipers.

الموضوع الاصلي  من اوائل البرامج


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building, business, capital, senator

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