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قديم 07-09-2022, 02:15 AM
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2022
المشاركات: 4,622
معدل تقييم المستوى: 794
خالد نجم يستحق التميز

افتراضي Stone Residence New Cairo

Stone Residence New Cairo

Stone Residence New Cairo

What are you waiting for to get your dream apartment in this different compound? Grab the opportunity now… This project gives you a large number of distinctive features that make you feel the true meaning of integrated life.

The different features inside Compound Stone Residence New Cairo

Stone Residence Compound Fifth Settlement

Roya Developments always fascinates its customers by providing them with everything new, and Stone Residence Project is one of the important works that it has built-in a unique and distinctive way. Stone Residence was designed for those looking for beauty and luxury, as it contains all the unique features, starting from the location, passing through services and facilities, up to the prices and the installments system, so it provides you with the comfortable life that you and your family deserve.

This project combines the high-end European character and the ancient Egyptian style, which makes it different and unique. It also includes a large number of various residential units to fulfill all the desires of customers, as well as the highly distinguished location that makes it the main gateway to large investors who are always looking for promising investment opportunities.

Stone Residence Location
The presence of the project within a unique residential space is one of the important competitive features that real estate development companies are working to provide within the various residential complexes. For this reason, Roya Holding Company, after lengthy scrutiny, chose the location of the compound in Fifth Settlement, specifically on the outskirts of New Cairo, in addition to its presence near several other major places, including the following:

It was built right on the ring road.
The compound is located 5 minutes from the lively Teseen Street.
It is within 15 minutes of the American University (AUC).
It is also about 10 minutes away from Maadi and Heliopolis, and about 15 minutes from Heliopolis.
The distance between it and New Cairo Airport is a third of an hour’s drive.
You can go to the pyramids from it in about 30 minutes.

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