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(الكاتـب : ماريا جون ) (مشاركات : 0)
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(الكاتـب : خالد نجم ) (مشاركات : 0)

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قديم 07-20-2022, 06:49 PM
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2022
المشاركات: 4,622
معدل تقييم المستوى: 794
خالد نجم يستحق التميز

افتراضي The Hoft New Cairo

The Hoft New Cairo

Enjoy Unparalleled Luxury And An Unrivaled Blend Of Hospitality And Entertainment Inside The Hoft New Cairo

The Hoft New Cairo Project is one of Minka Development projects, and it is one of the innovative projects that contains 60 square meters of residential studio-type units, model offices, co-working space, and a spacious retail yard, all in one building.

The project is a new concept inspired by the world-class, which is designed in a modern and comfortable way, and the residential units of the studio type were created professionally and wonderfully to suit all the residents of the compound, knowing that each studio is fully finished and fully furnished.

The compound consists of a commercial and administrative part, and distinctive hotel studios, each designed with the best building materials, and in a modern and unique style.

The real estate developer was keen to provide a variety of spaces between the units and announce special prices to suit all customers and meet their desires, and to suffice their needs, and it is also working on allocating payment systems based on comfortable installments for the convenience of the compound residents.

The Hoft New Cairo Location
The real estate developer was keen to choose the best and most distinctive locations where The Hoft Compound is unique, as it was established in the heart of New Cairo, surrounded by the most important projects and close to the most important roads and main axes.

One of the advantages of the project location:

The compound is located at the crossroads of Suez Expressway and Cairo Ring Road.
It directly overlooks the entrance to Cairo International Airport.
The compound is a short distance of about 8 minutes, between Heliopolis and New Cairo.
It is close to Cobalt Business District – Taj City New Cairo.

الموضوع الاصلي  من اوائل البرامج


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الساعة الآن 04:46 AM.
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