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قديم 07-23-2022, 11:08 PM
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2022
المشاركات: 4,622
معدل تقييم المستوى: 794
خالد نجم يستحق التميز

افتراضي The Walk Mall New Capital

The Walk Mall New Capital

The Walk Mall New Capital

Constructa Real Estate Development Company is appearing to us again with one of the most important new projects in New Administrative Capital, The Walk International Mall.

This is an excellent commercial, administrative, and medical mall project with all the services and facilities that different business owners need.

The company that developed the project always works to provide the best, so it was keen to provide a number of different units with various spaces that suit the different tastes of customers and did not neglect the provision of a luxurious park that provides the required calm and comfort.

So book your unit now in the most luxurious projects in New Capital, which has provided you with all the possible facilities that put you on the path to success and excellence.

The Walk Mall Design
The executing company designed it on the latest international technologies, as it represents a unique architectural masterpiece in the field of real estate, as it bears a distinctive European character that mixes sophistication and modernity.

The building was created in an exquisite engineering way that combines the diversity of unit spaces and the distribution of beautiful green spaces, and it was divided into several floors with different types of units.

The combination of the uniqueness of the designs and a large number of facilities and features available inside the mall is what has achieved the difficult equation that entrepreneurs are always looking for.

The International Commercial Mall, TheWalk Mall Location
The location is of great importance in the success of the projects. Indeed, The Walk Mall has a distinctive and unique location that has been carefully selected by Constructa Real Estate Development, as it is in the heart of New Capital, specifically in the MU-23 area, which is located between the areas R2 and R3 and the completion rate of their construction has reached 75 %.

It is located directly on the central axis with a width of 100 meters.
It is also 200 meters from the Green River World Park.
It is about 10 minutes from New Cairo and Fifth Settlement.
It is a short distance from the northern axis of Mohammed bin Zayed.
It is 5 minutes away from Suez Road.
It is characterized by that it is within walking distance of both the financial and business district, the exhibition grounds, and the diplomatic district.
In addition to its proximity to the commercial district, the smart village, and the knowledge village.

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