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قديم 07-24-2022, 07:50 PM
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2022
المشاركات: 4,622
معدل تقييم المستوى: 794
خالد نجم يستحق التميز

افتراضي Triton Tower New Capital

Triton Tower New Capital

Triton Tower New Capital

“Triton Tower” A Huge Project In New Administrative Capital… A World Tower On Egyptian Land!

Lovers of luxury, distinction, and hard work can now start from Triton Tower, which provides them with a quiet and distinguished atmosphere to work in an upscale encouraging atmosphere.

This project is considered one of the most important projects built on the land of New Administrative Capital. It is an administrative, commercial and medical tower built by the company R.N.A Developments, which is considered one of the largest companies working in the field of real estate and has a good reputation and many successful projects.

Triton Tower New Capital Project was designed in a luxurious European style to be a living model full of details and beautiful decorations found in all corners of the project, in addition to a number of other features and services that make it an integrated workplace.

A Special Location That Guarantees You A Quiet Working Environment In Triton Tower New Capital
Triton New Capital is located in the most prestigious place in New Administrative Capital in the Central Business District (CBD), specifically, plot (CN38), which is the most important residential area, which helps to promote all activities in Triton Tower. It is also close to New Capital’s luxurious neighborhoods, housing projects, and important services, which makes it a great investment opportunity.

The project is close to several main roads in New Capital, which makes moving to and from it easy, we will learn about some of those places and roads near Triton Tower Project:

This area is in the middle of the large green river park, which provides an excellent view of the project from all sides.
It is located on the northern axis of Mohammed bin Zayed, which is one of the important roads that connect several major points in New Capital.
It is also very close to the new monorail line.
And 5 minutes from the regional ring road and Al Amal Axis.
The project is within steps of the iconic tower (Africa’s tallest tower).
A short distance from Expo City, the famous Al-Massa Hotel, the Opera House, and the Medical City.
Not far from the government district, the presidential palace, and New Capital Airport.

الموضوع الاصلي  من اوائل البرامج


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capital, triton

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