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قديم 08-08-2022, 07:33 PM
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2022
المشاركات: 4,622
معدل تقييم المستوى: 794
خالد نجم يستحق التميز

افتراضي Yaru Compound New Capital

Yaru Compound New Capital

Do Not Hesitate And Book Your Unit In Yaru Compound New Capital Which Moves You To The Luxurious Life That You Have Always Wished And Dreamed Of.

Yaru New Capital is one of Atum’s projects in partnership with the officers of the General Administration of the Electricity Police. It is the latest and first of its residential projects in New Capital. It is an integrated project with services and facilities, and it combines originality and ingenuity in its designs and sophistication, and it also provides all the means Recreational, which meets the desires of the population.

Yaru New Capital consists of many different residential units, including villas and residential buildings, and the construction percentage in this project is about 19% of the total space, and the largest percentage of the project space has been allocated to green spaces and service facilities.

The units in this compound have architectural designs that look like a masterpiece designed in the European style with distinctive touches, and the space of each unit varies and differs from each other, as they are flexible spaces that give customers the opportunity and freedom to choose the most suitable for them according to their tastes.

Prices in the compound are unparalleled and are the best in New Capital, compared to all the prices and services obtained by the customer, the owner company offers many easy payment opportunities, which enables him to choose easily according to his desires.

The Location Of Yaru Compound New Capital
Yaru New Capital Compound is located in New Administrative Capital, specifically in the eighth residential district, R8, on the Green River and Bin Zayed axis, near the diplomatic district, Down Town, and the government district.

Among the most important features of the project site are the following:

Yaru is located in the best vital locations in New Administrative Capital, specifically in the eighth district, specifically in plot No. R8-H2.
Yaru Compound is separated by the largest and most luxurious compound, La Verde Compound, with a short distance.
It is characterized by its proximity to the most important headquarters, which is the headquarters of the presidency and the embassies district.
It is close to the most important vital center, which is the conference center.
It is a short distance from New Administrative Capital Airport.
Yaru Compound overlooks the Green River and is close to the Opera House.
A short distance from important government institutions in New Capital.
It is close to all public roads and transportation that can be moved to all parts of Cairo and its suburbs.

الموضوع الاصلي  من اوائل البرامج


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