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قديم 08-09-2022, 11:57 PM
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2022
المشاركات: 4,622
معدل تقييم المستوى: 794
خالد نجم يستحق التميز

افتراضي Zoya Ghazala Bay North Coast

Zoya Ghazala Bay North Coast

For Everyone Looking For A Wonderful Summer Unit On The North Coast, Here Is Zoya Ghazala Bay North Coast

Zoya North Coast is one of the most beautiful tourist areas that have been established in the Sidi Abdel Rahman area, and the charming nature that surrounds it is evident from everywhere in terms of green spaces and landscapes next to the Mediterranean shore with its turquoise blue waters and soft, heavy sand.

The distinguished location was chosen for it to be a unique opportunity for all investors and customers, and this made it a great turnout, and the village is owned by the largest and pioneering Egyptian companies in the real estate field, namely Land Mark Sabbour. out with ease.

Location Of Zoya Bay North Coast Project
The distinctive location of the project was chosen as the resort is located on the Mediterranean coast, close to the most important roads and main sites that make it easy and accessible.

The town is situated at kilo 142 Alexandria Matrouh Road, in the Sidi Abdel Rahman neighborhood, where you can easily get away from the crowds.
Telal Resort and Hacienda Bay North Coast are both close to the project.
Near the Zahran City Mall, on the north coast of Zoya Bay.
Zoya is only two hours away from the North Coast from Cairo, thanks to its connection to the new Fouka Road, which connects between Sidi Abdel Rahman and Cairo.
Zoya Bay North Coast Project Space
The project is spread out across a large region to accommodate the large number of services provided to the residents. The resort is scattered out over 60 acres and is divided into two sections: one dedicated to vast green spaces and gardens that surround the village from all sides, creating a beautiful landscape, and the other dedicated to distinctive housing units of various sizes and international designs to suit customers’ preferences.

With the aid of specialists and engineers, the resort was planned on the newest models and luxury and high-quality architectural designs in the European and Greek styles to meet the demands of clients and issue units worthy of their preferences.

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الساعة الآن 10:36 AM.
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