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قديم 09-18-2022, 04:47 PM
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2022
المشاركات: 4,622
معدل تقييم المستوى: 794
خالد نجم يستحق التميز

افتراضي 185 M Attractive Store For Sale In Golden Gate With Imaginary Price

Golden Gate Tower

The exclusive services available at Golden Gate Mall Fifth Settlement
Golden Gate Mall is one of the huge commercial projects located in the heart of New Cairo, which is characterized by many important features, the most important of which is the provision of many integrated services that provide customers with a distinctive work environment, as follows:

The real estate company has provided security services, a number of guards have been appointed, which operate 24 hours a day, in order to preserve the property and ensure complete safety.
A number of surveillance cameras were also distributed, which monitor the events taking place throughout the day, for more security.
Inside Golden Gate Mall, there are escalators between floors operating throughout the day, so that customers can move easily and effortlessly.
In addition to the large panoramic elevators that help you get up and down from the highest floors.
Distinguished medical services, including the pharmacy, which operates throughout the day, and contains various imported medicines.
In addition to designing world-class meeting rooms with special audio and display equipment.
Maintenance services within Golden Gate Fifth Settlement are constantly working in order to monitor malfunctions and repair them with ease, and to provide a distinctive work environment.
Electric power generators that work throughout the day in case of any technical failure in order to work distinctively without any negative points.
A large number of sound alarms inside Golden Gate Mall work when any fire occurs in order to speed up intervention before the problem aggravates.
You can have your favorite meal inside the largest restaurants designed in the world, and cafes where wonderful drinks are served and that make you enjoy a special atmosphere.
Amidst the green spaces surrounding Golden Gate New Cairo, seating facilities have been created to enjoy a wonderful atmosphere full of psychological comfort.
Huge air conditioners distribute cool air for a more distinctive working environment.
The units inside the mall are different and have varying spaces so that customers have the freedom to choose what suits them.
Large garages under Golden Gate, which includes the largest number of customers' cars prevent overcrowding.
A distinctive internet service that works throughout the day and has been distributed to all units.
Large stores dedicated to the various units for keeping and storing property to maintain the civilized appearance of the place.
What are you waiting for, you can take the initiative to book now and enjoy a package of special prices and flexible payment methods to pay the total amount over many years….!

The unique features of Golden Gate Project
Golden Gate Fifth Settlement is one of the largest distinctive malls that is famous for its many different advantages, which made it unique from other neighboring projects and attracted customers and investors, and the advantages are as follows:

Golden Gate is designed on a world-class design, as it includes a number of different units in terms of space so that you have the freedom to choose what suits your field of work.
Its strategic location is also one of the most important advantages that distinguish it, as it is located in the heart of Fifth Settlement, and enables you to reach anywhere easily.
The space of the project is huge, which is divided between green spaces and landscapes that help you relax, and enjoy psychological comfort.
A mosque designed in the Islamic style and includes a large number of worshipers.
There is a world-class infrastructure that includes all the indispensable basic services, including sanitation.
Electronic gates help more security and safety for customers.
The facade of the mall is double-glazed, which reflects sunlight and prevents noise to provide a distinctive work environment.

الموضوع الاصلي  من اوائل البرامج


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مواقع النشر (المفضلة)

attractive, golden, imaginary

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