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قديم 09-19-2022, 01:58 PM
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2022
المشاركات: 4,622
معدل تقييم المستوى: 794
خالد نجم يستحق التميز

افتراضي Own Office in Vigor New Capital From 185 m²

The features of Vigor Mall
Enjoy a wonderful package of distinctive features when you own it now inside Vigor Mall New Administrative Capital, as follows:

Green spaces and water bodies occupy a large percentage of the project land to give a beautiful view and charming views of the different units inside Vigor New Capital.
The picturesque strategic location in the heart of the Downtown area, away from the sources of noise and pollution in the cities and near the distinguished service facilities.
The amazing design that is unique to the mall attracts many customers and investors to buy units in Vigor Mall.
Allocating a children's entertainment area with many games and activities that entertain their time.
Vigor mall is powered by an environmentally friendly solar energy system.
Consideration was given to providing the greatest degree of privacy and comfort to customers.
Services available inside Vigor Mall New Administrative Capital
Many high-end services meet the different needs of customers and investors, the most prominent of which are the following:

Vigor New Capital project offers you a distinguished group of restaurants that offer fast food and different types of foods, cafes, and luxury cafés, in which you can enjoy the most delicious drinks; Giving you and your guests the perfect place to relax and hang out with friends.
There are co-working spaces inside Vigor mall.
Modern electric elevators for easy moving between the different floors.
Wide underground garages accommodate a large number of cars and prevent congestion in front of the mall, and they work with the Park Lift system to ensure the use of spaces inside Vigor project New Capital.
Vigor project has a tight security system represented in electronic gates, security personnel and guards deployed everywhere, as well as modern surveillance cameras that work non-stop to monitor all movements.
Fire alarm systems, air conditioning systems, and smart lighting in Vigor New Capital.
Backup power generators that operate automatically in the event of a power outage Vigor Mall.
Regular maintenance services that help you solve all breakdowns immediately.
Great Islamic designed mosque for performing prayers and not having to go out of Vigor mall New Administrative Capital.
A large hypermarket with all the goods, services, and supplies that the house needs in Vigor New Administrative Capital.
A luxurious commercial area that includes many shops containing the most famous international brands, which lovers of good taste are looking for.
Excellent customer service in Vigor mall New Administrative Capital that answers all kinds of questions and inquiries.
There is Sky Lounge for the service and well-being of visitors and many activities and entertainment services that help them to have a good time.
A conference hall and meeting room are designed to the highest standard with the finest furniture and modern technologies in Vigor Project New Administrative Capital.
Storage rooms and a place for waste collection in Vigor mall.
Unit types and their different spaces
Start a new page of your career within an integrated and distinct architectural edifice in the heart of New Administrative Capital, which is the future of investment in Egypt!

Vigor New Administrative Capital is considered one of the best investment projects in the region because it offers its customers a variety of services, public facilities, and distinctive and varied recreational activities suitable for adults and children; It makes it possible for you to work in a quiet and comfortable place with a high degree of privacy, sophistication, and security.

Vigor project was implemented on a large land space of ​​about 3,800 square meters, with a total space of ​​4,700 square meters, in an elegant urban style that suits the high taste of customers and investors, and the construction percentage is 30%, and the rest was allocated to a picturesque landscape of green gardens and water bodies The charming and other distinctive services and facilities.

Vigor Mall New Administrative Capital includes a variety of luxury units, amounting to 218 units within a ground floor, 10 repeated floors, and a roof, with spaces, starting from 30 square meters up to 1,138 square meters per floor, and the ground floor and the first floor include commercial units and retail stores, and from the second to the tenth floors are units, medical clinics, and administrative offices, while the roof includes a distinctive sky lounge to provide more luxury for customers.

Prices and Payment Systems at Vigor Complex New Capital
Join the Vigor family in New Capital and enjoy a new sense of luxury and well-being!

The real estate developer has provided a variety of commercial, administrative, and medical units and an amazing architectural design that attracts many customers and entrepreneurs to the project, and has taken care of providing varying spaces and attractive prices so that entrepreneurs can get the unit they are looking for and suit their financial capabilities, and this can be clarified through the following:

The price per square meter for shops starts from 55,000 EGP.
The price per square meter for medical units starts from 20,000 EGP.
The price per square meter for administrative offices starts from 19,000 EGP.
Special discounts are available for the unit price on the occasion of the winch, and Vigor project executing company announced flexible and convenient payment systems that facilitate the customers in the payment process extending up to 10 years, what are you waiting for after starting a successful investment in the best locations ever in the heart of New Administrative Capital? For more details about Vigor Mall; call us!

About the real estate developer of Vigor Mall New Administrative Capital
The Baron Company was founded by Engineer Hazem Zarif and has a long history of achievements and successful business that extends to more than 40 years. It started its first project in the early eighties in the heart of Nasr City, which accommodates more than 3,000 families, and then expanded in New Cairo and New Administrative Capital, It always strives to uphold the ideals of credibility, commitment, and professionalism.

Today, there are more than 150 buildings in the Nasr City area, and it participated in the Garden View project and finally Vigor Complex in New Administrative Capital, which is a distinguished investment project that recognizes the aspirations and needs of customers and provides them with them, and was established by a group of experienced experts and specialized consultants to provide exceptional benefits and services on the highest level.


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