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قديم 09-19-2022, 06:14 PM
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2022
المشاركات: 4,622
معدل تقييم المستوى: 794
خالد نجم يستحق التميز

افتراضي Book a Your 225 m² in 77 Business Complex New Administrative Capital

Features of
77 Business Tower New Administrative Capital
There is a large number of different units in 77 Business project and it is surrounded by more than one important feature and service and works to make the presence in the project easier for visitors and workers in the place as well, and there is more than one other feature that increases the difference of the project from other engineering works in 77 Business Tower.

Here are a number of advantages of the project, as follows:

One of the important advantages of the place is that it supports "Go Green", meaning a clean environment, and has provided customers with solar energy units that provide the project with a large part of the energy needed without causing pollution to the surrounding environment in 77 Business Mall.
77 Business project also has a comprehensive view of the future, as it provided charging units for cars that run on electric power.
On top of that, the scenic location of 77 Business Tower New Capital would make the place easy to get to.
As for the architectural designs in place, they are very distinctive and contain more than one important detail that allows you to enjoy an integrated unit in 77 Business project.
Spaces between spaces are also one of the important things that attract customers to 77 Business Mall.
Genoa Real Estate Company was also keen to provide more than one distinct payment system.
In this place, there is a return on investment system that contributes to increasing the advantages that you will get in t77 Business project.
Learn in detail about shops for sale in the new administrative capital

Area and unit types of 77 business complexes in the new capital
77 Business Tower project in the Administrative Capital is one of the luxurious engineering works that Genoa Company has been able to offer to customers within one of the new distinctive cities, which is the Administrative Capital, which is considered one of the icons of investment in Egypt and the Arab world in the recent period.

The project has a large number of advantages that have been worked on from the first moment so that the project appears to the light. 77 Business project is integrated and contains many distinctive details that make work in it go better and help project owners to conduct their work in a better way.

The area of ​​77 Business Complex in the new capital is 2500 square meters, and it has been designed with the best modern engineering methods, which is definitely in the interest of the client and his promising project in the tower, and the place guarantees more than one type of units divided between floors and also there is more than one space in the project.

The spaces in 77 Business Tower New Capital are as follows:

We start the space of the commercial units in the place at 13 square meters, and they occupy the floors from the ground to the second.
The space of the administrative units in the mall starts from 36 square meters inside 77 Business project.
As for the medical units, the space in 77 towers starts from 34 square meters.

الموضوع الاصلي  من اوائل البرامج


رد مع اقتباس

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مواقع النشر (المفضلة)

administrative, business, capital, complex

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