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قديم 09-20-2022, 02:35 AM
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2022
المشاركات: 4,622
معدل تقييم المستوى: 794
خالد نجم يستحق التميز

افتراضي Own Your unit Upon The First Installment in Kernel Business Hub

Units types and their different spaces within Kernel Business Hub New Cairo

Kernel Business Hub Project offers you all your needs and more in a sophisticated place with a dazzling engineering design. The project is built on a large space of about 4,400 square meters, with a height of 3.5 meters per floor. It consists of a ground floor, 4 upper floors, and two underground floors for a parking lot, unique in an incomparable architectural style to suit customers with high taste.

The mall includes many different units between commercial, administrative, and medical units of varying sizes so that the customer can choose among them what suits his taste and needs; Where:

Administrative office spaces start from 32 square meters.

The spaces of the medical units start from 36 square meters.

Prices and Payment Systems in Kernel Business Hub

Find a luxurious and elegant place for your new project now before it's too late at Kernel Business Hub Fifth Settlement!

The owner company was keen to provide the highest standards of quality and sophistication in the mall, in addition to the wonderful services and exceptional benefits that customers and investors are looking for, and not only that, but also offered very competitive prices that do not compare to the extent of luxury they get, as well as providing easy and convenient payment systems that extend up to many years, and this can be clarified through the following:

The price per square meter for medical units within Kernel Business Hub starts from 40,600 EGP, with a total unit price starting from 1,460,000 EGP.

The price per square meter for administrative offices starts from 40,000 EGP, with a total unit price starting from 1,285,000 EGP.

You can reserve the garage for 150,000 EGP.

The customer pays a 10% downpayment of the unit value, and the rest of the amount is paid in equal installments over 6 years without interest.

The medical and administrative units shall be delivered in a fully finished system after two and a half years from the date of contracting.

The customer pays a maintenance deposit of 8% of the unit value, to be paid from 4% after one year from the date of the contract, and 4% after two years.

About the real estate developer of Kernel Business Hub New Cairo

Affix Developments is a promising Egyptian company with a history of achievements in many disciplines that reaches more than 20 years. It has a keen vision in the field of construction, residential real estate, and various industries. It also adopts an integrated development policy to redefine the form of building and construction in the country; It seeks to achieve the various aspirations of customers and investors and even surpass them by adding new developments.

Kernel Business Hub New Cairo is one of the most important investment projects that it has implemented in the heart of New Cairo, near roads, main axes, and various service facilities, and it enjoys a high degree of luxury and sophistication, and it has many units of varied spaces that customers choose from among which suits their taste and needs.


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business, installment, kernel

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