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  #1 (permalink)  
قديم 09-20-2022, 05:47 PM
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2022
المشاركات: 4,622
معدل تقييم المستوى: 794
خالد نجم يستحق التميز

افتراضي 110m² Office for sale in a very unique location within Legacy Business Complex Administrative Capita

Units types and their different spaces in Legacy Tower New Capital Project
JUST Development has been keen to keep pace with the development of life and discover everything new by paying attention to the smallest details in the design of Legacy Tower Mall Administrative Capital in a very modern way that matches the different tastes and needs of customers and investors, and Legacy Business Tower New Administrative Capital is built on a land space of ​​about 3,000 square meters, most of which occupies picturesque green spaces and shiny water bodies that give an atmosphere of relaxation, beauty, charm and wonderful views of the units, while the loading rate is approximately 30%.

The mall includes various units between commercial, administrative, and medical units, and in cooperation with "Design Avenue", the project was designed luxuriously with exterior facades of luxurious stained glass, which is of the best types to retain the building's energy and the calm atmosphere inside the units. It consists of 2 underground floors designated for garages, and a ground and first floors for shops. The second, third, seventh, and tenth floors include administrative offices with their smart spaces that suit small, medium, and large activities, while medical clinics are located on the fourth to sixth floors.

The following can explain the spaces of the various units available within Legacy Tower New Capital:

Commercial spaces start from 20 square meters in Legacy Business.
Administrative office space and medical units start from 20 square meters inside Legacy Business Tower New Administrative Capital.
Prices and Payment Systems at Legacy Business Complex
Get distinction and exclusivity when you own the latest towers in New Administrative Capital, "Legacy Business Complex"!

In addition to the distinctive design of the mall; The real estate developer was keen to implement it with the latest unique international models, and to provide varying spaces for the various units inside it to suit the different tastes and needs of customers and investors, in addition to announcing great prices that do not accept competition compared to the number of services and advantages in Legacy Business Tower New Capital, which are as follows:

Phase one prices:
The price per square meter for shops on the ground floor starts from 90,000 EGP up to 100,000 EGP and ranges from 50,000 EGP up to 60,000 EGP on the first floor inside Legacy Business Tower.
The price per square meter for administrative offices starts from 18,000 EGP.
The price per square meter for medical units starts from 19,000 EGP within Legacy New Administrative Capital.
Phase Two Prices:
The price per square meter for shops on the ground floor starts from 120,000 EGP and starts from 80,000 EGP on the first floor.
The price per square meter for administrative offices starts from 26,000 EGP in Legacy Business.
The price per square meter for medical units starts from 27,000 EGP.
JUST Development offers a range of distinctive payment systems within Legacy Tower New Administrative Capital, as follows:

Payment methods with the return on investment system:
The customer pays 20% of the unit value as a downpayment, and the rest of the amount is paid in equal installments over 8 years, and the investment return is 25% in Legacy Business Tower New Administrative Capital.
The customer pays 20% of the unit value as a downpayment, and the rest of the amount is paid in equal installments within 7 years, and the investment return is 50% inside Legacy.
The customer pays 20% of the unit value as a downpayment, and the rest of the amount is paid in equal installments over 6 years, and the investment return is 75% within Legacy New Capital.
The customer pays 20% of the unit value as a downpayment, and the rest of the amount is paid in equal installments over 5 years, and the investment return is 100%.
Mandatory rental payment methods:
The customer pays 35% of the unit value as a downpayment, and the rest of the amount is paid in equal installments over 8 years, with a mandatory rent of up to 30% of the unit value in Legacy.
The customer pays 30% of the unit value as a booking downpayment, and the rest of the amount is paid in equal installments within 7 years, with a mandatory rent of up to 25% of the unit value.
The customer pays 25% of the unit value as a downpayment, and the rest of the amount is paid in equal installments over 6 years, with a mandatory rent of up to 20% of the unit value inside Legacy Business Mall New Administrative Capital.
The customer pays 20% of the unit value as a downpayment, and the rest of the amount is paid in equal installments over 5 years, with a mandatory rent of up to 15% of the unit value.
Methods with investment return and mandatory rent:
Pay 50% as a downpayment of the unit value, and pay the rest of the amount in equal installments within 8 years.
Obtaining 10% of the value of the downpayment as an annual return over a period of 3 years.
Obtaining 30% as mandatory rent for a period of up to 3 years, and 10% is added to each year.

الموضوع الاصلي  من اوائل البرامج


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مواقع النشر (المفضلة)

administrative, business, capita, complex, legacy, location, office, unique, within

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