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(الكاتـب : خالد نجم ) (مشاركات : 0)

العودة   اوائل البرامج > المنتديات العامة > المنتدى العام

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قديم 09-21-2022, 04:07 PM
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2022
المشاركات: 4,622
معدل تقييم المستوى: 794
خالد نجم يستحق التميز

افتراضي For the first time, 200 m² Store in Infinity without a downpaymment or receipt payments in 10 years

Infinity Tower New Capital

Get your unit inside Infinity Tower and enjoy all the services
Infinity Tower Project offers a variety of basic and recreational services that meet the needs of all customers.

Infinity Tower New Administrative Capital is characterized as being environmentally friendly as it uses solar energy by having panels that generate energy.
Electric generators operate automatically when the power is cut off.
Meeting and conference areas are fully equipped with the latest equipment and sound systems and are intended for businessmen.
You can now leave your children inside the tower in a safe place, as the company has allocated a children's area with many games to spend a fun time with friends within Infinity Tower New Administrative Capital.
Spacious garages that can accommodate 800 cars to reduce congestion inside the tower and maintain the civilized form.
A world-class restaurant and cafe area that serves delicious food and drinks for your favorite meal under the supervision of the most skilled chef.
Inside the tower, there is a pharmacy with all kinds of medicines working non-stop inside Infinity mall New Administrative Capital.
If you love shopping... Here is a large commercial market with many different stores and the finest international brands that suit high taste to guarantee you an unparalleled buying experience.
Each floor has bathrooms for men and women inside Infinity Tower.
An integrated health club with the latest equipment, equipment, and the best trainers, and it has private rooms for jacuzzi, spa, and sauna for maximum comfort and recreation.
It contains 14 high-speed electric elevators for easy movement between floors and some of them to reduce congestion, in addition to two elevators designated for emergencies within Infinity New Administrative Capital.
Self-extinguishing system in addition to the fire extinguishers located on each floor to reduce the occurrence of damage.
A highly trained security and guarding system is distributed throughout the tower to maintain the security of the project.
Escalators to facilitate walking inside Infinity project.
Do you want to maintain your fitness? The project includes a gym with many different equipment and sports to practice your favorite sport.
The deployment of many surveillance cameras that operate 24 hours a day to monitor all movements in Infinity.
Your guide to know the top Clinics for sale in New Capital

Enjoy the best features offered by Infiniti New Administrative Capital
Book your unit now inside the most luxurious tower in New Administrative Capital and enjoy all the advantages...

Free internet that works around the clock to get the work done efficiently in Infinity Mall.
Periodic maintenance service to fix any malfunction in the shortest possible time.
A large hypermarket with all the necessities for you and your family and express delivery service inside Infinity Tower New Administrative Capital.
A large mosque for religious rites, which houses many worshipers, and is distinguished by its modern Islamic design.
ATM for easy withdrawal and deposit inisde Infinity Tower.
There is also a distinctive infrastructure.
The most important feature of the tower is its important strategic location in the central business district and its proximity to the main roads, in addition to the ease of transportation to and from Infinity New Administrative Capital.
The facades of Infinity mall New Administrative Capital are glass that works with a system of heat insulation and allows the entry of light to give customers joy and help them complete their work.
Within Infinity Project New Administrative Capital, there are dancing fountains and artificial lakes with crystal waters that give stunning views and soften the atmosphere.

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مواقع النشر (المفضلة)

downpaymment, infinity, payments, receipt, without

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