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قديم 05-14-2022, 07:47 PM
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2022
المشاركات: 4,622
معدل تقييم المستوى: 794
خالد نجم يستحق التميز

افتراضي Bay View Resort Sahl Hasheesh

Bay View Resort Sahl Hasheesh

Inside Bay View Resort Sahl Hasheesh, your dreams will come true

What are you waiting for to live the life you’ve always wanted near the sea and enjoy the most breathtaking views from the comfort of your luxury residential unit, which has been designed using the most up-to-date architectural styles?!!

View from the resort The third phase of Sahl Hasheesh is located in the center of Sahl Hasheesh in Hurghada, on the picturesque Red Sea coast, rich in appealing coral reefs and diverse fish, and distinguished by its warm blue seas, soft white sand, and bright sky.

Pyramisa Real Estate Development has implemented the resort on a large area of ​​11 acres with the main entrance and many basic and recreational services that provide you and your family with a comfortable and distinguished stay, in addition to the amazing green nature and water bodies that attract attention with their beauty and splendor.

Bay View Sahl Hasheesh location
The owner company has provided you with a highly luxurious tourist resort in a privileged location in the heart of Sahl Hasheesh, which is located on the Red Sea’s coastal strip and includes a number of tourist villages designed in a luxurious style because the geographical location is the first thing that attracts customers and investors to spend a wonderful summer vacation.

The following are some of the most significant benefits that come with the resorts’ location:

Hurghada, which has numerous attractive sites and stunning resorts that draw tourists from all over the globe, is a 20-minute drive away.
Hurghada International Airport is around 25 minutes away.
Only 5 meters from downtown and all of Sahl Hasheesh’s most desirable locations.
It is next to the Sahl Hasheesh cinema complex, which offers clients a pleasant experience when viewing international films.
Its closeness to the most significant highways and key axis makes getting to and from it a breeze.

الموضوع الاصلي  من اوائل البرامج


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