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قديم 05-24-2022, 08:14 PM
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2022
المشاركات: 4,622
معدل تقييم المستوى: 794
خالد نجم يستحق التميز

افتراضي Cecilia Lagoons North Coast

Cecilia Lagoons North Coast

A life of luxury, privacy, and exclusivity awaits you in Cecilia Lagoons North Coast
If you are looking to spend the most beautiful times in a place filled with enchanting turquoise waters, picturesque white sands, and beautiful crystal lagoons, then the opportunity to own a chalet or villa in Cecilia lagoons North Coast has come; Where innovative designs, integrated services, and picturesque nature.

Cecilia Lagoons is designed on a vast space of up to 123 square meters, it includes chalets and villas of various sizes and designs that meet your desires and aspirations. You can also enjoy unparalleled services and benefits designed specifically for your well-being and happiness.

Enjoy the advantages of the great location of Cecilia Lagoons Resort North Coast
Ibn Sina for Hotels and Tourist Villages was keen to choose a unique vital location for the establishment of its first coastal project, Cecilia Lagoons Resort, North Coast; It is located between the North Coast and Marsa Matruh to combine the splendor and elegance of the two locations, specifically at kilo 245 of the Alexandria-Marsa Matrouh Road on Al Jarawla Bay.

It also has unique features that make it the perfect choice for you and your family to enjoy a new life full of joy and enjoyment.

It is located 20 km before Marsa Matruh.
It is 160 km from the North Coast.
It takes 10 minutes to reach the heart of Matruh.
It is located near the new Fouka area.

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cecilia, lagoons

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