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(الكاتـب : خالد نجم ) (مشاركات : 0)

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قديم 05-24-2022, 09:22 PM
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2022
المشاركات: 4,622
معدل تقييم المستوى: 794
خالد نجم يستحق التميز

افتراضي City Gate New Cairo

City Gate New Cairo

Looking for absolute luxury? City Gate New Cairo is waiting for you!
Qatari Diar has worked to present a new architectural edifice in the field of real estate, which is City Gate Project, which is built on a huge area of ​​​​8,500,000 square meters, comprising 24,500 diverse housing units between standalone villas, twin houses, and townhouses, all overlooking a golf course with international specifications and vast green spaces and the water bodies that catch the eye from its charm and beauty.

The compound also enjoys a very unique location in New Cairo due to its proximity to several important hubs and facilities to facilitate life for the residents, in addition to the executing company’s keenness to provide a different design that mimics modern European models; Own your unit now to get unbeatable prices and easy and convenient payment systems that extend over many years.

Book your unit now in City Gate at the best locations ever
The presence of the project inside New Cairo increases its distinction and difference from the rest of the surrounding residential compounds, as it is only 30 kilometers from the southeast of Cairo, and the compound is unique in a unique strategic location between New Cairo and New Administrative Capital, as well as its distance from crowded and noisy places and its proximity to several areas and ways of vitality, including the following:

It is about 10 minutes away from the American University (AUC) which provides the best educational services to the residents.
It also has a great view of the most famous teseen street in Fifth Settlement.
As well as being not far from Cairo International Airport, it is a half-hour drive from it.
Its proximity to the Ring Road, Cairo-Suez Road, and Ain Sokhna Road.

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