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قديم 06-13-2022, 11:01 PM
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2022
المشاركات: 4,622
معدل تقييم المستوى: 794
خالد نجم يستحق التميز

افتراضي La Mirada Mostakbal City

La Mirada Mostakbal City

Own Your Unit In La Mirada Mostakbal City
lamirada project is one of the newly established projects in the most important vital areas in New Cairo. The compound is characterized by its strategic location, which is centered around the main axes and roads. The project also includes many services and public facilities that are characterized by sophistication and luxury.

There are many residential units within La Mirada Compound, as it is an integrated residential complex, and includes a group of apartments designed in a wonderful world-class, with full finishes, Super Lux and Ultra Super Lux, Grand Plaza, the owner of La Mirada Project, has also provided multiple payment systems, as well as allowing the installment system to facilitate various ways for customers.

It is one of the mega projects that was established by the largest real estate company, Grand Plaza, which is well known in the field of development and real estate investment in Egypt. and civilization.

The company was keen to provide all entertainment services, multiple facilities, and means of security completely to meet the needs of the residents of La Mirada compound.

The Location Of La Mirada Mostakbal City
The compound is located in an important strategic location in the heart of El Mostakbal City, the city of the new architecture in Egypt, and is unique to it from other projects as it links the most important roads and main axes in Cairo, and we mention the following are the most important areas that La Mirada El Mostakbal City approaches:

It is located in Mostakbal City, near the most famous city, Nasr City.
It is 3 minutes away from the Administrative Capital.
It is close to the most famous universities, namely the American University and the University of the Future.
A short distance from the most famous cities of New Cairo.
The project is close to the most important main axes such as the Moshir Tantawi axis, and the Teseen Street.
It is also possible to go to all places with ease.
It is close to the most important commercial places such as Cairo Festival City, Point 90, and Downtown.
It is about 25 km from Maadi.

الموضوع الاصلي  من اوائل البرامج


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mirada, mostakbal

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