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قديم 07-09-2022, 01:27 AM
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2022
المشاركات: 4,622
معدل تقييم المستوى: 794
خالد نجم يستحق التميز

افتراضي Soul Plaza Mall New Capital

Soul Plaza Mall New Capital

Soul Plaza Mall New Capital

Seize The Opportunity And Book Your Commercial Unit Inside The Finest Shopping Center In New Administrative Capital

New Jersey Developments has launched its second project within the future capital, which is a commercial center with many features and integrated services.

One of the most important features of Soul Plaza Mall is its strategic geographical location on the tourist walkway, which represents one of the branches of the Green River in the seventh district R7, which is characterized by its proximity to many vital economic and commercial arteries and many headquarters of companies, banks, government departments, schools, and universities.

In addition to its proximity to the ministries area, embassies, the diplomatic area, prominent landmarks, and close to the main roads and axes.

Soul Plaza project’s architectural designs are luxurious and conform to international specifications that keep pace with the modern style and contain all types of integrated commercial, administrative and medical activities in various spaces to meet all customer requirements.

The prices of the units inside Soul Plaza mall are outside the competition and the payment systems are flexible and convenient to suit all investors and businessmen

Soul Plaza Mall’s Geographical Location And The Most Important Features That Distinguish It From Others
The geographical location of any project is one of the most important features that all investors are looking for, so the real estate developer chose the location of the project very carefully, as it is the first commercial mall that was built on the tourist walkway, which represents one of the branches of the Green River dedicated to hiking and entertainment, one of the most prominent landmarks within New Administrative Capital.

One of the most important features of the location of Soul Plaza Mall New Capital is its proximity to many of the following:

Within the seventh residential district, there is R7, which is one of the finest seventh residential districts, which is characterized by its proximity to all service areas.
It is characterized by its proximity to all neighborhoods and vital areas such as the government district and the financial and business district, which includes many corporate headquarters, international banks, and the global stock exchange, in addition to its proximity to the embassies and ministries area and the diplomatic area.
Soul Plaza Mall is near the monorail station and the Nativity of Christ Cathedral.
It is located in front of the largest international university in New Administrative Capital.
It is close to the most important roads and main axes such as the Bin Zayed Axis, the Regional Ring Road, and the Suez Road.
Soul Plaza Mall is located near the Sports City, Expo City, the Medical and Academic City.

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الساعة الآن 11:57 AM.
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