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قديم 09-19-2022, 03:13 PM
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2022
المشاركات: 4,622
معدل تقييم المستوى: 794
خالد نجم يستحق التميز

افتراضي More thA 30% discout upon cash payment in 5 Business Hub Mall New Capital

5 Business Hub location
New Administrative Capital is characterized by being a modern and developed city, in which lies more than a variety of features that help in obtaining a different location and distinguish the headquarters of your company or your business in general, so it is a different location and is characterized by being close to other places, including Madinaty and New Cairo.

The new monorail line made it easier to move from the capital to more than one place, and thus this positively affected the projects established in the place, and 5 Business Hub Mall certainly distinguishes it in New Administrative Capital, but what increases the distinction shook its location in the Downtown area.

5 Business Hub is located near many other important cities, including the following:

Downtown is one of the places of great importance in the capital and where the mall is located.
5 Business Hub also has a distinctive view of a large green space in the place, and this increases the beauty of the view in the project.
5 Business Hub Mall directly overlooks the central park.
In addition, 5 Business Hub New Capital Mall is not far from the main Muhammad Bin Zayed axis, which connects it to many important areas in the capital and beyond.
5 Business Hub Mall is one of the places close to Souk El Dahab, the Monorail station, and the Egypt Mosque.
As for the places near the project, they are really many, including the parliament building and the government district, which is only 5 minutes away.
5 Business Hub New Capital is also close to The Mark Downtown Mall and Downtown Mall.
If you want a special place for a project, then 5 Business Hub New Capital Mall is the right choice!!

5 Business Hub New Capital features
It is known that Tamayoz Development is constantly trying to provide customers with a large number of various features and provide different services in the projects it develops, and this is what actually happened in 5 Business Hub Mall New Administrative Capital, which is one of the most important malls in the city.

In this part of the article, we provide you with some information regarding the features of 5 Business Hub Mall, namely:

The developer was initially interested in the location, so it chose for 5 Business Hub New Capital mall, a headquarters in the Downtown area, which has many competitive advantages.
5 Business Hub Tamayoz also has a unique architectural design that ensures customers that they enjoy a wonderful place suitable for their business and provides the necessary privacy and comfort.
The presence of in-between spaces in the design of the place between the units, which supports the idea of ​​calm and independence necessary for the comfort of the customer and the improvement of the work environment itself in 5 Business Hub.
The green space surrounding the project has a big year in which the place becomes more different, in addition to being a good appearance for the mall, it provides an entertaining place for visitors inside 5 Business Hub.
Also, the company was concerned about paved roads and paths for people of determination, allowing them to move freely in 5 Business Hub New Capital.

Spaces and types of 5 Business Hub units
The space is one of the important features available in 5 Business Hub Mall, which is about 2,600 square meters, and it is divided into the building block in the place and among the many spaces surrounding the unit, in addition to the presence of wide green space in front of the place.

Also, work has been done to ensure that the divisions of the place are consistent with the different types of existing units, so the commercial and medical units are on the first floors, while the upper floors are for the administrative units, which contributes to more organization in the movement of people inside 5 Business Hub.

There is more than one feature related to the space and the type of unit in the place, and all of them are aimed at the customer being present in his project and helping to manage it in the best way and also finding ease in this, and the difference in the units is not only in the type but in the spaces as well, which are as follows:

The space of the commercial units starts from 20 square meters in 5 Business Hub Mall New Capital.
The administrative units start from 20 square meters inside 5 Business Hub Mall.
There are also medical units starting from 20 square meters.
The developer company of 5 Business Hub Project has hired more than one company specialized in operating, whether for commercial, administrative or medical units, in order to ensure the best conduct of business.

الموضوع الاصلي  من اوائل البرامج


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business, capital, discout, payment

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