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قديم 09-21-2022, 05:56 AM
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2022
المشاركات: 4,622
معدل تقييم المستوى: 794
خالد نجم يستحق التميز

افتراضي Book Your Unit Quickly in PARAGON 2 starting from 184m²

Paragon 2 Mall New Capital

Paragon 2 Mall New Capital
Builderia Company was able to attract attention for its giant project implemented with the latest international development and construction methods in the most prestigious locations without exception in the New Administrative Capital, which is Paragon Mall 2 and has also worked on preparing this project to accommodate many administrative and commercial units with the highest quality standards, as it is the place The right investment.

Paragon 2 enjoys providing all services and means of entertainment, in addition to many restaurants and cafes, in order to have a new experience that is guaranteed from the rest of the investment projects, in addition to providing spaces designated for scenic views and recreation, all this in addition to the announced prices, which came in the average purchasing power of investors from inside and outside with the presence of More than one payment system.

Paragon 2 Mall New Capital location
One of the reasons for moving to invest in a new place, the location was chosen to show your project is what makes you take the initiative to own it, so the real estate developer excelled in building Paragon 2 Mall in the most vibrant and active areas in the lifeline of the New Administrative Capital.

Where Paragon 2 Mall is located in the Downtown Financial District, in front of the new Presidential Palace and the famous Al Masa Hotel No. CS26 is a very special location because of the available services and integrated entertainment facilities. Paragon 2 mall is considered a link between more than one direction, making it easy to reach, in addition to its proximity to the largest and most famous huge residential complexes, which guarantees you the success of your investment in Paragon 2, and one of the most important features of the site.

Paragon 2 is close to the Ring Road, the Regional Ring Road, the New Capital Corridor, and the Cairo-Suez Desert Road.
Paragon 2 Mall is steps away from the new monorail station, which facilitates access to the project.
The mall is located in front of the Egyptian Stock Exchange building.
Paragon 2 mall also overlooks the government district and the new parliament.
One of the most important high-end projects located next to the mall is Topaz Tower and they are a global brand of the Administrative Capital.
It is about 20 minutes away from the capital's international airport.
Paragon 2 located 5 minutes from the headquarters of the Central Bank.
It directly overlooks the Presidential Park and Bin Zayed Palace.
Paragon Mall is 2 steps away from Green River Park, the largest park in the Middle East.

The total area of ​​Paragon 2 Mall New Capital, and the designs provided by Builderia
The space is the most important resistance that interferes with Paragon 2 project’s services and units besides the freedom to make various designs for it, so the project was built on an area of ​​11,000 square meters, and this space is very large compared to other projects established in that area, and the administrative offices vary. And shops and other conference venues with large areas, in addition to the green patches surrounding Paragon 2 project and dancing fountains that give all customers and visitors joy and relaxation.

Paragon 2 Mall has been divided into two parts, one with various units and the other with the existing services, including basic services and entertainment facilities, as well as various restaurants and cafes, designed with the highest level of sophistication to attract those with high tastes and green and water spots.

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