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قديم 09-21-2022, 06:47 AM
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2022
المشاركات: 4,622
معدل تقييم المستوى: 794
خالد نجم يستحق التميز

افتراضي 102m Oxygen Medical Tower Mall with payment facilities

Oxygen Medical Tower New Capital

Oxygen Medical Tower New Capital Space
One of the most important features of Oxygen Medical Mall, the capital, is the huge space on which the project is built, which came to include many diverse units to satisfy all demands in addition to the basic services that the real estate developer cares about to serve as the achievement of the principle of integration, and some of the useful entertainment means to receive advanced types of treatment, so Oxygen Medical was built on an area of ​​2,205 square meters, part of which was allocated to pleasant green spaces for the convenience of customers and guests.

Oxygen Medical Tower consists of 12 upper floors, a ground floor, and a basement that has been equipped with a large garage for parking. The real estate developer has allocated the ground and first floors to various commercial units with breaks between each activity and the other similar to it to ensure a successful investment opportunity, and the number of commercial units is very small. To ensure that the medical mall obtains absolute tranquility and privacy, as for the rest of the floors, many different medical units have been equipped, including analysis and radiology centers, and other clinics and pharmacies, as it guarantees the provision of an integrated treatment system inside Oxygen Medical Tower New Capital.

A hotel for medical tourism has also been established with the smallest details and international standards, and it has a private swimming pool, providing a treatment service at the highest level of sophistication in Oxygen Medical Tower.

Browse now pharmacies for sale in the new administrative capital

Oxygen Medical Mall New Capital design
The designs of the entire mall came to the hands of expert engineers and consultants to produce an Oxygen Medical Tower designed with the highest standard specifications in accordance with the standards of the Ministry of Health. Therefore, the design and finishing of each part in Oxygen Medical Tower were chosen with the utmost precision, while providing a large percentage of green spaces to breathe fresh air and enjoy the most beautiful natural views. Comfortable for nerves.

The engineering building from the outside is very impressive and attractive, and the interior finishes are provided with the latest advanced technological methods.

Air Sterilization units inside the entire center of Oxygen Medical Tower.
Anti-bacterial paints to reduce bacteria.
Epoxy floors to prevent the accumulation of water in the corners and voids.
Central Air Condition in all units inside Oxygen Medical Tower.
Fire System for all units.
The possibility of booking the doctor from Application Oxygen and knowing the number of waiting patients.
Services provided by Enwan for real estate development inside Oxygen Medical Tower
The real estate developer succeeded in providing an integrated medical edifice in the New Administrative Capital that includes all types of medical clinics and commercial units with the finest designs and finishes, all these resistances and did not forget to provide a diverse and integrated package of basic and recreational services, in order to meet all your needs from within one place only, and among the most important services the introduction within Oxygen Medical Tower New Capital

High-quality surveillance cameras cover every part of Oxygen Medical Mall, from entering the gate to the end, and there is security personnel working 24 hours a day to maintain your security and the security of your unit.
Using the latest technological methods compatible with building a medical center such as anti-bacterial paints, epoxy floors, and sterilizers in Oxygen Medical Tower New Capital.
Oxygen Medical Tower is fully air-conditioned with the latest devices and equipment, which operate automatically to set the appropriate temperature for the place and all units.
There is fast internet service in all Oxygen Medical Tower units to ensure that you receive your business quickly and that you do not bear the burden of dealing with telecom companies.
There is a large hotel for medical tourism designed to the highest standards in Oxygen Medical Tower.
There are administrative offices specialized in preparing medical units to help you complete your unit in the fastest time and with the highest quality.

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مواقع النشر (المفضلة)

facilities, medical, oxygen, payment

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