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قديم 09-21-2022, 07:21 AM
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2022
المشاركات: 4,622
معدل تقييم المستوى: 794
خالد نجم يستحق التميز

افتراضي Book Your Unit in Hilton New Administrative Capital starting from 184m²

The architectural design of
Hilton Tower New Administrative Capital
The Green River Park is one of the most beautiful and largest parks in New Capital, which is characterized by being on a very large land space and giving distinctive views of the nearby projects. Indeed, this is what was used in Hilton New Capital because it has an attractive and distinctive view of the garden.

Do you imagine one day that you work and your eyes always fall on a beautiful landscape continuously, it is truly absolute comfort, and this is the design of Hilton Tower as it is of a special character, and attention has been paid to the areas overlooking the project, which are truly distinctive and contain many details that provide great comfort and tranquility for those who work in the place.

It is known that Hilton Group has a special design and this tower belongs to this distinctive design, which preserves the privacy of customers and provides them with distinctive places, whether for work or residence, in order to be inside a truly special and different place.

International designs on Egyptian land... This was the slogan of the company that designed Hilton New Capital to be one of the few major projects in the capital, overlooking three different sides and containing a number of units, including commercial and administrative, as well as hotel apartments, and it has the largest share of the place.

Features of Hilton New Capital
There are many features available to you in Hilton New Capital work primarily to ensure that customers have the required comfort and privacy, as follows:

Hilton Tower project has a distinctive architectural design that guarantees customers a very distinctive aesthetic form within their units.
The presence of spaces between the units for more quiet and privacy.
There is also a strong infrastructure that has been worked on since day one.
In addition, there are large green spaces surrounding the place, overlooking the Green River Garden.
Its geographical location is also very impressive and different, and it is close to the new monorail line, which makes it easy to reach.
Hilton Tower New Administrative Capital Services
The services in the mall are not ordinary, but a lot of research has been done in order to choose the services very carefully, allowing customers to own luxurious units surrounded by many services and facilities suitable for you.

Here are some of the services available in the project:

Hilton Tower contains a large area dedicated to restaurants and cafes that provide you with an excellent level of service.
A spacious garage that can accommodate a lot of cars and provide them with complete safety.
A number of elevators and escalators that comfort visitors in moving inside Hilton Tower.
Many surveillance cameras within a tight security system are located in the place and allow visitors more safety and reassurance.
Dedicated rooms for large meetings and seminars that are equipped with the best modern equipment.
For more safety in the project, an advanced firefighting system was provided to save the place from any emergency.
Modern systems available in the units rationalize electricity consumption and also enable the customer to better control his unit.
In addition, there is fast internet and central air conditioning throughout the entire project.
Many environmentally friendly solar modules operate without causing any pollution.
In addition to the maintenance and cleaning teams working around the clock in the place.
A large gym was also provided in Hilton Tower project.

الموضوع الاصلي  من اوائل البرامج


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administrative, capital, hilton, starting

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